Humber Nature Partnership
The Humber Nature Partnership is one of 48 Local Nature Partnerships around England. The establishment of Local Nature Partnerships has come about as a result of commitments made by Government in the Natural Environment White Paper 2011.
Our vision is to protect and enhance the Humber Estuary’s world class environment for wildlife, the UK economy and people, gaining benefits for all.
The Humber Nature Partnership will work in partnership with organisations, businesses, communities, stakeholders and individuals to:
Ensure an environment with thriving birds, fish and other wildlife, and habitats in a favourable status.
To work in harmony with the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership and others to encourage the growth and prosperity of ports, industry and agriculture, offering sustainable employment and contributing to a healthy Humber estuary where there will be positive benefits for the environment.
Maintain the quality of waters that are of a high ecological status, prevent any deterioration, and improve those of a lesser quality to good status or an equivalent for the heavily modified water bodies.
Manage the risk of flooding around the Humber Estuary in ways that are sustainable for the people who live there, the economy and the environment, taking into account natural estuary processes and future changes in the natural and man-made environment.
Respond to climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the changes that are likely to occur.
Ensure the Humber landscape with outstanding scenic, archaeological and historic features becomes richer in wildlife.
Increase understanding of the natural environment of the Humber.
Promote, for everyone to enjoy, tourism and recreation that benefits from the Humber and is sensitive to its wildlife and historic riches.