Industry and Nature in Harmony

Humber Management Scheme

The Humber Estuary is internationally important for wildlife and designated as a Special Protection Area (SPA), Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Ramsar Site.  Together these designations form the Humber Estuary European Marine Site (EMS).

The Humber Management Scheme (HMS) provides a coordinated and joined up approach for the management of the Humber Estuary EMS.  With support from both statutory and non-statutory organisations, actions are developed and delivered to bring the estuary into what is known as 'favourable condition'.  

2016 HMS Action Plan

The HMS action plan outlines the main actions which the partnership will undertake to meet the conservation objectives of the Humber Estuary EMS.  

We have also produced a summary document which provides background on the Humber Estuary and how it is managed:

In addition to the action plan, those with statutory duties, known as Relevant Authorities, undertake a great deal of management of activities for the protection of the Humber Estuary EMS.  A summary of this management can be found on the on the FAQ – estuary management pages.

A summary of the protected habitats and species of the Humber Estuary has also been produced.  The action plan was developed by analysing the existing threats and management of the designated features.  This information can be found on the protected habitats and species pages.

If you have any comments on the HMS plans please contact Jackson Sage, Humber Nature Partnership Project Manager.


T: 01652 631520.

A big thankyou to all of our partners who have contributed to the production of the Humber Management Scheme documents.