Industry and Nature in Harmony

2022 Humber Nature Partnership award

2022 Humber Nature Partnership award

Each year HNP’s Board presents an award to an individual, organisation or project which it feels has significantly benefitted the Humber’s environment in the last year. This year for the first time, two projects have been selected for awards and were presented at yesterday's Humber Conference. Both projects help the environment in very different ways and for this reason HNP’s Board found it difficult to agree on a single winner.

Novartis Ings is the newly constructed South Humber Gateway Ecological Mitigation site in North East Lincolnshire. The approximately 20-hectare site adjacent to the Pyewipe mudflats at Grimsby has been developed by North East Lincolnshire Council on land adjacent to and donated by Novartis Grimsby. Along with other sites in both North and North East Lincolnshire it represents the culmination of many years of work by a range of organisations and demonstrates that with close working between conservation bodies, local businesses and local authorities that we can have both development and wildlife.

The award was presented to Novartis Ings in recognition of the hard work and commitment of all involved, in particular North East Lincolnshire Council which has developed the site. The award also serves as a ‘thankyou’ to Novartis and recognises the company’s commendable approach to environmental issues on the Humber. The Award was received by Cllr. Philip Jackson from North East Lincolnshire Council.

Operation Seabird is a multi-agency partnership operation to educate the public about the importance of the resident wildlife and the impact that these disturbance events can cause. The Humber Management Scheme helped bring Operation Seabird to the Humber in 2021.

Since 2021, Sgt. Jenna Jones and the Humberside Police Rural Task Force have worked towards addressing recreational disturbance and wildlife crime across the Humber, through educating the public at events and on social media, holding “Days of Action” and from attending incidents where wildlife crime had been committed. The award was received by Sgt Jenna Jones and PC Richard Fussey from Humberside Police.

Congratulations to both Novartis Ings and Operation Seabird.

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02 December 2022 by Darren Clarke

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