05 Nov

Humber Nature Partnership Conference

Save the Date: Humber Conference, Thursday 5th December 2024 at Hull Guildhall.

This year the HNP conference theme is "Think Big!". Together we need to think big in terms of ambition, think of big problems and think even bigger with solutions. Join HNP and our guest speakers in thinking big this year!

The event takes place on the 5th of December at the Hull Guildhall. Registration will open at 09:30am and the conference will close with lunch served at 12:40pm.

The event is free to attend, but places are limited so booking is essential for what promises to be both a very interesting and informative event.

Talks include:

  • RSPB - Chief Operating Officer James Robinson will be talking about their UNESCO World Heritage Bid.

  • Wild Wrendale - Hannah Dale will be discussing the Wild Wrendale project and the introduction of Beavers onto their land.

  • Biota Trace - Tom Myers will share their research on environmental DNA (eDNA) funded by Innovate UK.

  • ARUP - will be talking about their work on the Humber Economic Strategy.

  • Environment Agency - will inform us about water resource management in the EA.

To join us register on our Eventbrite link below.


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