25 May

High paw!

Two dogs on a walk with their owners, crossing over a bridge.

High paw for the 217 dogs that walked across the Humber Bridge on the 22nd May.  The walk, organised by Humber Hounds project, aimed to have as many different types of dog walk across the Humber Bridge in one day, and over 100 were recorded.  

“I’ve never seen so many different types of dogs and some I had never heard of!  Lots of people signed up to Humber Hounds on the day and we hope to welcome many more” said Tania Davey from Humber Nature Partnership.  Humber Hounds is free and in return dog walkers are asked to follow the best practice Doggy Do Code when visiting the Humber Estuary, an internationally important site for wildlife.

Dog treats from Regal Pet Food  and water from Tesco was devoured on the day and not a drop was left in sight at the end of the walk! 

Image courtesey of Des Collinson

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