10 Sep

Novartis Community Partnership Day

Novartis Community Partnership Day, a groups of people clearing out a ditch.

Following the success of their community tree planting project during National Tree Week last year when HNP member, Novartis Grimsby, planted over 1,700 trees at Habrough in conjunction with north Lincs Council, the Parish Council and Humber Conservation Volunteers, their involvement ensured the project continued apace on their Community Partnership Day on 20th May this year with the planting of hundreds of woodland wildflowers and the restoration of a wildlife pond at the site.

The woodland planting on the Chapel Lane Recreation Ground immediately benefited wildlife in terms of the small mammals such as shrews, mice and voles which now thrive at the site, in turn providing food for barn owls and kestrels, as well as butterflies and their nocturnal counterparts, moths, which in turn attract bats to feed at the site.

 The pond, which dried out to a seasonal puddle some years ago, now provides breeding habitat for frogs and other amphibians, which also thrive in the thick grasses of the newly planted trees, as well as for aquatic invertebrates such as dragonflies and damselflies.

The whole project has been enthusiastically welcomed by local people who have turned out to help throughout.

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