Defra is holding two drop in meetings on Thursday and Friday this week to discuss Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) proposals in this area, which are under consideration for the second tranche of MCZ designations.
These ‘drop in’ sessions are an opportunity for you to understand the process for selecting the MCZ tranche 2 proposals and next steps before the public consultation. It also provides an opportunity for you to help Defra to verify information on activities within the site, and understand any potential site issues or concerns you may have. These particular sessions relate specifically to the Runswick Bay and Holderness Inshore sites.
The ‘drop-in sessions’ will take place on Thursday 29 May 2014 at the Green Lane Business Centre, Green Lane, Whitby YO22 4EH and:-
Friday 30 May 2014 at the Hornsea Rescue Centre, Burton Road, Hornsea, HU18 1TZ
between 11:00 am and 7 pm.
You can chose to attend any of the following sessions which are best suited to you on the day, but please note that the timings are provisional.
Session 1 - 11:00 am
Session 2 - 2:00 pm
Session 3 - 4:00 pm
Session 4 - 6:00 pm
If you require any further information on these sessions you can also speak to representatives from North Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority on 01482 393 515 or via email:
If you cannot attend the drop in sessions but would like to find out more, please contact Defra directly by emailing
Please click here for more information.