27 Nov

2013 Humber Estuary Conference


Over 100 delegates are attending the 2013 Humber Estuary Conference at the Guildhall in Hull to discuss the practical management of the Humber’s ecological and economic importance.

Darren Clarke, the organiser of the conference said, “Many organisations have interests in the well-being of the Humber Estuary and the annual conference provides an opportunity for all these interests – navigation and ports, industry, communities, agriculture, wildlife, recreation and heritage - to discuss how their activities can take place in harmony and support the sustainable management of this magnificent estuary.  A key issue is the practical steps needed to enable much needed economic development while safeguarding and enhancing the environment.” 

The morning session of the conference is devoted to the launch of the Humber Nature Partnership. In 2012 the Humber Management Scheme was granted Local Nature Partnership status by the Government. Since then discussions have been underway locally to identify the most effective way to form the Humber Nature Partnership. The launch marks the final step in a merger between the Humber Management Scheme and the Humber Industry Nature Conservation Association which will bring together two existing strong environmental partnerships under a single banner.

The afternoon session will focus on regulation, legislation and communication. Delegates will hear from the Chief Executive of the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership about ongoing discussions with Environmental Regulators aimed at helping to smooth the path for major developments on the Humber, as well as hearing from speakers from government agencies and consultancies about how the requirements of various pieces of environmental legislation are to be met locally. Finally, there will be an opportunity to view a trailer of a new TV programme to be shown on the newly launched Estuary TV. This programme is a pilot for a series which will help people around the Humber to learn more about the estuary and its various riches.

Humber INCA’s Award for Environmental Excellence 2013 will also be presented during the conference. It recognises outstanding practical environmental work in the Humber area.

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